Three coffee cups later
Ruby, Javascript & OS X
8 comments Labels: blog, Bye Bye, narcvs, why worry?, Word press
Today the Pollen count hit the ceiling. Every year this happens, and every year I am just as surprised to find myself floored around the time the weather turns warm.
I've often said that there are two weeks of good weather in Chicago every year - one as hot summer turns to cold winter, and another when cold winter turns to hot summer.
1 comments Labels: chicago, Pollen
I just received the following in my mail:
1 comments Labels: Globus, Google, Google Summer of Code, Open Source
mash = Mash.new
mash.author!.name = "Michael Bleigh"
mash.author.info!.url = "http://www.mbleigh.com/"
sudo gem install mash
git clone git://github.com/mbleigh/mash.git
A way to get your website cross-browser compatible Column layout ready in 30 seconds or less.
Column layouts is traditionally done with tables. WRONG.
YUI grids css gives you a cross browser compatible column layout, and the YUI builder helps you construct the HTML skeleton in a neat wysiwyg fashion.
Go over to http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/grids/builder and build your layout.
Then just hit the Code button and get the plain text - voila. It also resets your fonts to make for a really nice, discreet default look that you can then modify.